- Facebook voice chat app now live in beta. Pretty cool! http://TwitPWR.com/tvG/ #
- How your emotions are strangling the life out of your copy. Excellent tips from Craig Wildenradt. http://TwitPWR.com/tvR/ #
- Why a joint venture can jump start your online business. http://TwitPWR.com/twj/ #
- Kill your good ideas. Great article from Jonathan Mead! A must read. http://TwitPWR.com/tvN/ #
- Social SEO & channels of distribution. Lee Odden outlines a simply strategy. http://TwitPWR.com/tvU/ #
- Why a joint venture can jump start your online business. http://TwitPWR.com/twj/ #
- Can an online community shape a strategy? Barry Newstead at HarvardBusiness.org. http://TwitPWR.com/twf/ #
- "First say to yourself what you would be;and then do what you have to do." – Epictetus #
- Why a joint venture can jump start your online business. http://TwitPWR.com/twj/ #
- Mashable’s weekly guide to social media events. http://TwitPWR.com/twG/ #
- Why a joint venture can jump start your online business. http://TwitPWR.com/twj/ #
- Can an online community shape a strategy? Barry Newstead at HarvardBusiness.org. http://TwitPWR.com/twf/ #
- How to brand yourself without alienating your company. Dan Schawbel. http://TwitPWR.com/twA/ #
- Facebook is the most valuable source of traffic according to survey of 33 million unique users in Sept. http://TwitPWR.com/tE9/ #
- Smarter transportation. 10 social media tools to navigate your city. http://TwitPWR.com/sZj/ #
- How to integrate Facebook with your blog by Christina Warren at Mashable.com. http://TwitPWR.com/tEe/ #
- Four ways to be more interesting. Great article from Johnny B. Truant at CopyBlogger.com! http://TwitPWR.com/tEt/ #
- 5 ways to develop engaging brand language and ensure success on the internet. Scott Gerber at entrepreneur.com. http://TwitPWR.com/tEw/ #
- Give more than you receive. Great success story about Scentsy Inc. http://TwitPWR.com/tEz/ #
- How to develop your leadership pitch. John Baldoni. http://TwitPWR.com/tET/ #
- The slow secret. How to make lasting changes in your life. Leo Babauta most helpful read each week. http://TwitPWR.com/tb6/ #
- iPhone OS 3.1.2 now available. http://TwitPWR.com/u05/ #
- Live simply, and save the drama for your mother. Leo Babauta. http://TwitPWR.com/u0q/ #
- Introducing The Social Compass. Brian Solis paints a clear picture. http://TwitPWR.com/u08/ #
- Social media usage policies, less lawyering, more encouraging. Alexandra Samuel at HarvardBusiness.org. http://TwitPWR.com/u0b/ #
- One big way to avoid a headline fail. Brian Clark. http://TwitPWR.com/u0i/ #
- Which ad strategy is right for you? Rosalind Resnick at smsmallbiz.com. http://TwitPWR.com/u0A/ #
- 5 Tips to keep you sharp. Constant learning is the foundation of a successful business owner. Scott Halford. http://TwitPWR.com/u0D/ #
- There’s no task easier than no task. http://TwitPWR.com/u0v/ #
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