Make Them a Joint Venture Offer That They Can’t Refuse

joint venture marketing

Finding the right joint venture partner is difficult enough. Convincing them to join you in a joint business venture can be even harder. If you are a discerning entrepreneur who knows that joint venture success depends mainly on finding the perfect JV partner, then you need to know the ways to make your JV proposal one that cannot be refused.

Many successful business people find they enjoy doing things their way. They made their success the solo route, and plan to continue success in the same way. However, there can be benefit in a JV for these types of business people as well.

Perhaps you found a potential joint venture partner with a great reputation and a wide network of contacts. This could be a great JV partner to have for your business. But what can you offer her? How can you convince her to join you?

Give Them What They Need

First, no potential JV partner will join you without having something in it for them. Your job, then, is to find out what they need and offer it to them through a JV. It may be a benefit such as more money, or even your renowned expertise on a particular business matter. It may even be something that solves a problem for them like tapping a completely unrelated industry market in which you happen to have an extensive database of contacts. Show them the benefits and then you have something to talk about.

Control the Risk

Business ventures always have some element of risk: losing money, hurting the reputation, losing customers, etc. In addition to highlighting the benefits to your potential JV partner, show him or her how you plan to minimize any risks in the venture.

Anyone can say, “This is a great idea!” But ideas are foolish if they are not analyzed for risks. Look at the famous Ford Edsel model of the late 1950s. The new automobile was a great idea to fill the gap between Ford’s lower price range cars and their upper, more luxurious Lincoln models. However, the risks were not controlled in design, manufacturing, or the marketing, and the car was a failure. With this in mind, show your potential JV partner how you can control and reduce risks.

Reduce Time and Effort

Running a small business is a full-time effort. So how could a potential partner have the time to give to your JV? Remember, JVs are a way to help two or more business owners make profit by combining efforts. Perhaps you can offer to do most of the legwork by using the partner’s database of customer contacts. That would reduce the time they are required to give. Or you could highlight your calculations that only 4 to 5 hours is needed each week to make the JV a success. Show them that they can make extra money through your JV with little time and effort.

A perfect JV partner is invaluable. Get out there and find yours. Then make a proposal that they can’t refuse that includes benefits for them, lowered risk, and little time and effort.

christian fea is CEO of Synertegic, Inc. A joint venture marketing firm. He exemplifies how to profit from Joint Venture relationships by creating profit centers with minimal risk and maximum profitability.

To discover more joint venture marketing Strategies join his free joint venture marketing Wealth Report.

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