IT Executives Target Collaboration Marketing Tactics in 2008

As 2007 winds down, IT executives are looking to take their businesses to the next level in 2008 with collaboration. Despite the threats of recession and mortgage crisis that are hurting the overall economy, IT executives remain confident in pursuing 2008 growth.

Research demonstrates collaboration reigns as a top 2008 priority

According to a Ziff Davis Enterprise Editorial Research survey, combined with interviews with IT professionals, collaboration is one of the top IT initiatives targeted for 2008. Interestingly enough, it is not green IT and Web 2.0 technologies that are not on the list, but instead, a desire to collaborate to enhance the delivery of better services.

In addition, in a research survey for CIO Insight, the IT professionals surveyed were asked to designate the three most important IT business strategies for 2008. More than 35% of the respondents stated that collaboration and work flow would reign as the most important aspects in 2008.

Increased supply of applications to meet collaboration needs

Specifically in the IT field, many companies have released new software applications to address collaboration and strategic alliance efforts. For example, Google released its Google Apps Premier Edition in 2007, demonstrating the growing strength in the collaboration movement. The increased supply of collaboration software is symbolic of how the popularity of collaboration and strategic alliances is increasing.

Collaboration and Strategic Alliances go beyond IT

The economic weakening in the United States, as well as in the rest of the world, changes many industry dynamics. Many luxury and leisure industries will feel the economic pinch starting in 2008, as the ramifications of the mortgage crisis and lack of expendable income begin their waves of impact.

Therefore, more important than ever, it is important that existing and new businesses explore collaboration marketing and strategic alliances as a way to maintain and grow their revenues. Relying solely upon one’s established client base may cause stagnation or a decrease in revenues. However, by developing new means of collaborative marketing, combined with exploring strategic alliance opportunities, businesses can expand their target audience, which will result in increased revenues, even in times of economic fluctuation.

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