How to Market Your Joint Venture Partnership

joint venture marketing

joint venture marketing

You did your homework, chose your partner and carefully constructed your proposal. Your hard work and research paid off; the JV partner of your choice has agreed to partner with you. Now what?

First, you cannot rely on your partner to provide the marketing strategy for your partnership. It will be up to you to make your partnership known to potential and current customers alike. We have a few tips to help you get started on an effective joint venture marketing campaign.

Be Prepared

Before you ever even approach a potential JV partner, have some marketing material ready to launch. This might include a variety of email messages, banners and articles ready for publication on e-zines.

The ability to provide a range of marketing options to your potential partners will show that you are serious about forming a profitable arrangement. Larger companies will particularly appreciate the efforts, since they will not have the time or inclination to hold your hand through the marketing process. In addition, when you do land an effective partnership, your early marketing efforts will help you launch quickly so you can see results nice and early.

Work Together

While you might have a number of marketing concepts in place before your JV partnership becomes official, it is also important to meet with your JV partner after the agreement is signed to determine the best marketing path forward for both of you. Brainstorm together on the opportunities that lie before you, and then analyze each further to determine which paths will bring you the greatest results for your marketing buck.

This step is very important because it keeps you and your joint venture partner on the same course for success throughout your collaboration.

Stay Focused

Solutions for your marketing needs should not be too broad. Instead, keep solutions simple and focused to ensure the best results. Marketing that tries to reach too far usually doesn’t see as many positive results as strategies that preserve your resources while reaching customers in the most effective way.

By collaborating together and coming to an agreement on the best way to advance both of your interests, you will be more likely to find the most effective strategy for everyone involved.

Know Your Tools

Take the time to research the following tools you can incorporate into your marketing campaign:

  • Search engines
  • Autoresponders
  • Blogs and articles
  • Link exchanges

These tools are primarily used to increase traffic to your website, and they should be used effectively in nearly any online marketing campaign today.

Finding a profitable JV partner is just a small piece of the puzzle. With preparation and research, you should be ready to launch an effective joint venture marketing campaign as soon as the ink is dry on your agreement. With these tips in mind, you can both approach a prospective partner with more confidence, and then make the most of your new partnership once it becomes official.

christian fea is CEO of Synertegic, Inc. A joint venture marketing firm. He exemplifies how to profit from Joint Venture relationships by creating profit centers with minimal risk and maximum profitability.

To discover more joint venture marketing Strategies join his free report on joint venture marketing.

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joint venture marketing

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