Get Clients Online by Writing Guest Blog Posts on Partner Websites

joint venture marketing

joint venture marketing

One of the benefits of joint venture marketing partnerships is the opportunity to engage with the ecosystem of the partner business. This can come in many forms. One way that can generate a lot of credibility for a business in an industry is making guest blog posts on a partner’s website to demonstrate unique industry experience. While not all partners may be open for this type of partnering promotion, if it’s available it can help drive immediate interest in a product or service as well as build a direct line of communication with a partner’s client base.

There are benefits for both parties in a joint venture when one partner or both author guest blog posts. The most important being the ability to get clients online interested about a product or service while making the customer feel like they understand more about the new business before seeing a real sales pitch. This process of giving credibility to a partner is very effective in leading to sales when marketing campaigns ramp up and go after customers to close the deal.

Benefits to Partners Websites

When a business or an individual writes a guest post on a business partner’s blog they are also providing several benefits directly to their partner simply by writing an article that appears on their website. All websites need fresh and relevant content to succeed in gaining credibility among the search engines such as Google or Microsoft Bing. As a business with a blog having others in the industry also giving their perspective on topics generates more interest in people visiting the website and viewing the blog to want to come back and see new posts. One of the challenges of running a blog for a business is keeping up the frequency of great content in order to encourage visitors to come back frequently to stay up to date with the articles being published. These are good points to highlight with a partner when discussing online marketing strategies for the partnership and methods for introducing the partner to existing customers. Be open to help contribute to promoting through blogs or video blogs that will get posted on a partner’s site.

Techniques for Writing a Guest Blog Post

Writing a guest blog post can be a difficult task at first, however if you follow a couple of basics they can turn out to be extremely beneficial for marketing a product or service and build personal credibility in an industry. Utilize the about the author / bio section for information on the business and any specific direct information about the product and service the company provides. Pick a topic that provides a clear reason for why you are an authority on the subject. A key way to get clients online through writing guest blog posts is to sympathize with the community, identify known industry problems, address them specifically, and discuss solutions without needing to directly give product examples. Another approach is to write more educationally approached articles that establish your credibility as an expert on a topic in your industry.

Follow Up to Close Deals

Most businesses are open to marketing partnerships through email and newsletter campaigns. Having the guest blog post included as a newsletter article is another way to reach the end customer as some businesses may not have a blog, but do have very active email lists. After having some time to interact with a company’s customer base through a blog post or newsletter article using a targeted email can elicit responses from potential customers that liked what they read but were not ready to commit to making a phone call yet.

Utilize opportunities like writing a guest blog post to reach new audiences to get clients online. Writing a blog post conveys expert industry knowledge to potential customers and provides a business a platform to promote products and services. joint venture marketing partnerships provide an additional layer of capability to increase the benefit of writing a guest blog post. Most partners will follow up with sending out additional marketing collateral to help follow up and close the deals so both businesses get maximum benefit from the partnership.

christian fea is CEO of Synertegic, Inc. A joint venture marketing firm. He exemplifies how to profit from Joint Venture relationships by creating profit centers with minimal risk and maximum profitability.

Discover more joint venture marketing Strategies join his free report on joint venture marketing.

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