Building your business with Joint Ventures

joint venture marketing

Today’s business building quick tip: 1/30/2010

Building your business using joint ventures or integration marketing is a great way to attract new business. By using joint ventures as a strategy to building your business you can acquire new customers quickly, easily, and for a fraction of the amount of most other marketing tactics.

Building your business using joint venture marketing tactics is a low-cost, low-risk method that the vast majority of your competitors are not using. Yet, building your business through joint venture relationships is sometimes a miss understood strategy, yet it can be truly powerful and add new, profitable customers and a quick amount of time.

Building your business with joint venture marketing is all about creating mutually beneficial relationships with other business owners that offer laterally associated products and services that are related to yours, but not competitive.

By tapping into other business owners underutilized assets, such as distribution channels, sales forces, telemarketing efforts, direct mail outs, e-mail lists and existing website traffic pools, you can integrate your product or service into an existing distribution channel that already has the trust, credibility and awareness that will allow your product and service to penetrate through typical barriers of traditional marketing and advertising.

One of the first steps towards creating a joint venture is to define your ideal client or customer and create a persona of all the things related to your ideal client. Once you define these characteristics, your ready to start thinking about who already has an existing relationship with your ideal persona.

To find out what’s next in today’s example, give me a call at 949-209-6800 for a free, no obligation strategy session to build your business using joint venture and integration marketing tactics.

To your success,


joint venture marketing

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