Attract New Clients Utilizing Unique Landing Page Website

If your business has many different products and services available, attracting new clients can sometimes be a challenge. When you need to target a specific demographic then an online campaign can result in the traffic you need to close new business. To be effective you’ll need to have a well-designed landing page for the web traffic to land on. This is the best way to ensure that all of your online marketing activities are focused to close the deal when they lead to the landing page. Use a low cost solution from the web hosting company when purchasing a new domain address that is relevant to the product or marketing campaign and start building a page. This can be a very cost effective method to allow your brand to represent itself in unique ways to online clients. Send traffic from your Facebook and Twitter accounts to your landing page or purchase relevant keyword advertising from Google to target people searching for a solution precisely like you offer.

Purpose of Landing Page

A landing page should answer the immediate questions for a potential new client that’s interested in the products and services you have available. Basic information and pricing on the product should be the primary focus of the landing page. Be sure to include how to get in touch with someone from your company either by phone or through a live chat system. It’s best to have a trained professional responding to a person’s questions immediately it will increase the success of your landing page in generating new business.

A landing page can be as simple as a single web page that has the basic details necessary on it for the marketing campaign with directions to the main company website and relevant contact details. Another popular method of building domain specific landing pages for marketing purposes is to use a blog platform like WordPress. Use a plugin for making a sticky post. Then you’ll just need to sticky the first post and continue to write relevant content that is published on your blog. This is a great way to not only provide the right first impression for the marketing campaign, but also generate content required for natural SEO rankings.

Engage Through a Landing Page

A landing page is your opportunity to grasp a new client’s attention whether they came to the site through a recommendation on LinkedIn, Facebook, or a Google Adwords click.  It’s now or never as people browsing the web tend to click away quickly if they are not immediately interested.  It’s generally a good idea to not have flash or any heavy graphics that might slow a page down from loading immediately for the user. Generally just forgoing using flash will eliminate page loading problems for most visitors. It’s also a good idea to have a video as an option to either click play on or to have as an additional link off the page as many people enjoy learning about new products and services by watching a short video and demo versus reading an article. Have a contact form and the option to like a Facebook Page, follow on Twitter and other methods of capturing the person’s attention in the future.

Close the Deal

New clients that have visited a landing page and either started a web chat or initiated a phone call will always be the hot leads and the easiest new business to close. By offering a few different avenues for a person to stay in touch with your business whether it is Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Linkedin, or through your company newsletter you have the capability to get business in the future by continuing to establish your brand.

Christian Fea is CEO of Synertegic, Inc. A Joint Venture Marketing firm. He exemplifies how to profit from Joint Venture relationships by creating profit centers with minimal risk and maximum profitability.

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