A Cross Cultural Reference of Business Practices in a New Korea

A Cross Cultural Reference of Business Practices in a New Korea

Korea has been going through major changes since 1992, including a civilian government, opening the financial markets, restructuring of chaebols, changing roles of women, and new relations with North Korea. There have also been cultural changes which reflect on the Korean way of doing business and of living. The knowledge and skills for coping with these changes need to be mastered by those who want to interact with Koreans. The need for interpersonal relationships and good communication should be emphasized. This is a reference to understanding changing cultures and business practices in Korea for scholars, and a comprehensive guide to Korean business practice, protocol, and communications styles for professionals.

User Ratings and Reviews

4 Stars Encounting new culture
You start the business in South Korea but you don??t know how to discuss the contract with your Korean partner? You are a foreigner working for a Korean company and don??t know how to get along with your new colleagues? Then this is a book for you. The author, Eun Young Kim, is of Korean origin recently working in a cross-cultural consulting company in Texas. Using both her domestic and international experience she is just the right persone to eximine the problems connected with cross-cultural intercourse.
The book consists of 3 main parts.
The first part introduces the country, provides basic information on Korean political and economical situation. It presents Korean culture, while paying a special attention to traditional values of Korean society, sex and family roles, food and leisure habits, and its evolution in the changing society.
The second and third parts deals essentially with doing business in Korea. What is particulary nice about this book is that it not simply depict the problem, indeed, it is full of useful tips. For example, in the chapter 6 “Working through the Korean System” the author talks about different perceptions of contract that exist in Korean and American business cultures. But she also provides the reader with advice on prevention of possible problems while discussing the terms and conditions of the agreement.
The book is well written and the organization of paper makes the reading smooth and pleasant. It can be used as a reference book for businessmen or a interesting reading for all foreigners planning to stay in the Republic of Korea.
A few generalisations and sometimes vague statements are minor shortcomings of this book. The historical part requires some basic knowledge of Korean history, so if used as a text book it would be reasonal to use additional resources.
The complete and conclusive research of a society as quickly changing as Korean is very unlikely to be ever published. However this book can be a reliable source of information and of a great help for everyone interested in encounting Korean culture.

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