3 Key JV Partner Identifiers

joint venture marketing

In our quest to develop the perfect small business, we as entrepreneurs often ask ourselves what we can do to make running a business easier.  We find we like to play our strengths, be it in sales or managing employees, and we spend less time on the tasks we despise, perhaps accounting or marketing.  By asking the question, we may discover that a joint venture is a perfect way to rid ourselves of the struggling tasks.

By performing a detailed search for the perfect JV partner, you may be able to make your business thrive by focusing on the business duties in which you excel.  But how do you find the perfect JV partner?  You may find one, a few, or even many potential JV partners, but before you start on the path to joint venture land stop to consider these important keys to identify the ideal partner.

Complementary Strengths

Remember, you may want to find an ideal JV partner who has strengths complimentary to yours.  You may want to focus on the sales portion of your JV while your partner focuses on marketing.  What good does it do you if you both want to perform the same tasks?  Look for a JV partner who can compliment your working style so you both get more done.

2. Similar Goals and Values

What are your goals and what do you value in business?  Profit?  Making a difference?  Producing jobs for local workers?  Be mindful of the goals and values of your potential JV partner because if yours and his do not align, you could end up with friction in the future.  A JV requires that both partners be on the same page as far as your goals and how you want to achieve them.

And in regards to sharing duties and profits on a joint venture, what do you value?  Do you both want a short-term JV for a specific project?  Or are you both looking for a long-term lasting and successful partnership?  Get those values and goals in line or a rocky JV you will have.

3. Compatibility

Similar to a marriage, you will need to be sure that you and your potential JV partner are compatible.  You may find that your potential JV partner is an independent soul who likes to work alone and do things their way.  How would that help your business?  Or perhaps you have a family and you want a JV partner who understands your commitment to spend time with your family as often as you can.  If you team up with a JV partner who expects you to burn the proverbial midnight oil to make the JV work, you may be incompatible as partners.

Take these three key aspects of a successful joint venture and consider them carefully when evaluating a potential JV partner.  By identifying an ideal partner at the onset, you will have a much easier time making your JV a success.

christian fea is CEO of Synertegic, Inc. A joint venture marketing firm. He exemplifies how to profit from Joint Venture relationships by creating profit centers with minimal risk and maximum profitability.

To discover more joint venture marketing Strategies join his free joint venture marketing Wealth Report.

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