1 highly effective way to have your Twitter post go viral

joint venture marketing

How a single Tweet post went viral

If your looking to increase targeted traffic to your website or blog, here’s a straight forward strategy that I used to bring 172 people (210 pageviews) to my blog in a few short days using a viral content method.

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Basic Testing Method

Through testing different Twitter post headlines, I found one that one style (quantification of facts) of headline outperformed my control headline by 210%. The Tweet post that I used was “6 effective ways to use twitter as a lead generation tool“. Now obviously you can tell by the title that there’s a clear benefit that was stated with a quantifiable fact. Instead of just saying “effective ways to use Twitter”, I started it with “6”. By using qualification in your Tweet posts, you add more believability, credibility and newsworthiness.

Follow me, I’ll follow you – Reciprocation

If your using the “follow me, I’ll follow you” method of reciprocation to add followers to your Twitter account, you should be choosing who you follow strategically. Choosing people who are your ideal target marker, or have a high probability of benefiting from your product or service is a good way of thinking about who you should choose to follow. If your in the PR, SEO or Copywriting business and you’re not targeting business owners who have a high probability of using your services, your Tweets will fall on deaf ears.

Tailor your Tweets to go Viral – Write with your end user in mind

If your using Twitter for business purposes, it’s essential to tailor your Tweets with your end user (you followers) in mind. My blog is about joint venture marketing and Business Optimization Strategies, so I keep my Tweets tailored to these topics 95% of the time. Simply by tailoring my content to my target audience and providing highly relevant content with the right message, at the right time, and to the right audience I was able to get my Tweet picked up by 38 other Bloggers and media websites.

So my point is, regardless of your niche, you can get very targeted traffic to your site with the right message, at the right time, to the right audience.

Action Tip Takeaway (ATT): Go to your followers on Twitter and click on at least 10 profiles to see if you can find a pattern, consistency or particular demographic that will direct you in a particular direction as far as the type of content you may want to consider writing about. Once you find a pattern that your folowers fall into, use some type of quantifiable fact to further increase the benefit to your offering.

christian fea is CEO of Synertegic, Inc. A joint venture marketing firm. He exemplifies how to profit from Joint Venture relationships by creating profit centers with minimal risk and maximum profitability.

To discover more joint venture marketing Strategies join his free Joint Venture Marketing Wealth Report

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