How to Get Business Referrals Quickly

There is one element you should understand from the start. Knowing how to get business referrals quickly is one thing, having the extra capital to enable it is another. Business’s can get quality referrals in a rush if needed, but it will require a bigger investment than you may commonly have laid aside for this element of your marketing campaign.

Quick Referrals

There are a few methods that with the proper investment should begin to return referrals almost immediately.


Contests are one of the quickest ways to drive traffic and possible referrals to your business. However, if you are looking to gain them quickly, offering something a bit above and beyond your usual contests rewards may be required. Go top-notch. Take one of your best selling or costliest product or service and advertise your contest with that as the prize. Big reward contests bring consumers running.

There can be contest drawbacks. Often, when a large reward is offered many of the consumers who register may have no interest in your product. This doesn’t have to be an all-inclusive negative however since just having your company or product’s name on the minds of others is still a great way to generate interests from those who do have a need for your offerings.

Free Samples or Gifts

Investing in the opportunity to give away a valuable free gift will bring in referrals in droves. Do not forget to use this type of opportunity to gather as much relevant information, including demographics, from those who are signing up to receive a free gift or sample. Like contests with generous rewards, this is the perfect way to learn how to get business referrals quickly.

When and where possible always take your business’s name or a short URL to any free product or sample you offer. This will help keep your company’s name or its brand on the minds of those who receive the gift. In this way, even if you have those who are taking advantage of a free offer on a product they may otherwise never purchase, you have still branded your company as one with the possibility of more free offerings in the future. This can also help increase social networks and your social network reach.

Sponsor an Event or Entertainment

Sponsor an event or entertainment such as an arts and crafts fair, a beneficial conference or concert or other event that will provide a source of joy while advertising your business. If you are looking for great community events to sponsor consider some of the pet health or adoption clinics or other charitable events. Not only can this type of networking referral system benefit your business in increased consumers, but it can also expand on your collaborative business networking referral options.

Take the time to brainstorm with employees or consumers about which of your products or services would make the best free gift or sample, as well as any events that your business can participate in to help brand your name.

Christian Fea is CEO of Synertegic, Inc. A Joint Venture and Referral Marketing firm. He exemplifies how to profit from Joint Venture and Referral relationships by creating profit centers with minimal risk and maximum profitability.

Click here for more Referral Program Strategies to help you increase your profits.

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